Their platform doesn't allow you to sell anything from embargoed countries like Cuba, North Korea, Crimea, Syria and Iran. If I think an item will sell for under $20, I usually just donate it to the local womens shelter. A personalized Thank You note is also a nice touch. You should get a contract that lists all of your costs, including fees. Add a title and description 4. 5Miles is another local buying and selling app, but it combines its marketplace with local services like housing and jobs, sort of like a super-secure version of Craigslist. Once they receive your item and verify that the item is as described, youll receive your payment through PayPal, check, or an Amazon gift card. in 9 months by selling my So it can be done in person or online. Shannon Welch, a Texas-based Poshmark Seller Stylist, uses an iPhone to document all her goods, finding that she has the most success modeling items to show the fit and flow. For this she uses a bluetooth remote and phone stand. Independent Contractor Tax Deductions List, help with completing self assessment tax return. Poshmark is a free application for selling garments, shoes, totes, extras, and so forth. EBay - finding someone to sell on my Her areas of expertise include making money, investing, and money management. They can ensure that payments have reached your Paypal, credit card, bank account or other payment accounts. Read the fine print here. You can unsubscribe anytime. Neighbours share updates on network occasions and whining that different neighbours arent acquiring their garbage jars in an auspicious manner, or that somebodys adolescent driver never stops at the corner stop sign. If you're new to these sites, Amazon, Craigslist, and eBay have helpful tutorials explaining the steps to selling on their sites. For example, if you have an antique chest, include the furniture maker's name and the date and amount paid for it. Decluttr is a platform that is quick and simple to sell used stuff online, such as: If youre looking for the best place to sell your stuff, Declutter might be the one. Also ask whether there are restrictions on where you can post signs to your sale. I have a lot of very good quality clothes I'd like sold on my behalf on eBay or similar. It aggregates pricing data from online auction sites such as eBay and classified sites such as Craigslist on hundreds of thousands of used products, including small appliances, bicycles, cell phones, computers and accessories, musical instruments, photo and video equipment, sporting goods, and video games. Sure enough, there wasn't much of valueexcept for one painting. Downsizing can certainly help, as the fewer belongings you own, the simpler the process will be. CPlus For Craigslist. Cassia and her husband were very professional in their photos and provided good descriptions. Approx 50 items, various brands inc Zimmermann, Sass & Bide, etc. Be sure to [in this example,] include terms like Supreme and black sweatshirt, but also broad phrases like skater, athletic and high-fashion. I like to use a solid background and natural light to photograph my images, says Amy Mings, a lifestyle blogger at Maison de Mings who sells on Facebook Marketplace. Mercari is buying and selling app that originated in Japan, and is now available in the U.S. and U.K. Trading Assistants are experienced eBay sellers who will sell your items on eBay for a fee. When they profiled the organization a year ago, Business Insider detailed the application was reliably one of the best 50 free applications in the App Store. Great communication and easy to work with for selling clothes on eBay. Giphy. Ebay has changed over the years and now seems appropriate for unique, hard to find items that you can wait a couple of weeks to sell. Check out the site and apps trending list for up to date insights on whats hot right now. While garage, or yard, sales might work in the suburbs, they are a huge undertaking, and if you live in a big city they may not be an option at all. OfferUp Support on YouTube. Also, even though an item may be brand newi.e. From there, you can list your objects on online auction sites or even plan an old-fashioned yard sale to make sure every object finds its new forever home. You have to use the right keywords in your listings if you want people to be able to find it in their searches, says John Linden, an interior and furniture designer selling on eBay and Poshmark. Web5 Tips For Getting Hired Selling Goods and Gifts You can sell any of the harvests or products in your Storage. Theyre a marketplace of electronic buyers, which includes some of the companies lower on Selling Other users can Expect to pay for at least an hour of his or her time. A good rate is about 75 to 80 percent, says Luke. Ad-free. Think about security. BuyBackBoss is a site that helps you offload your used cell phones, tablets, and other tech items by either buying from you or letting you trade-in. On Tradesy you can sell designer goods, and buy the ones you covet for up to 90 percent off. Facebook Marketplace does a good job of tracking statistics for your listing. It gives consigners 80 percent on designer goods sales of more than $5,000, 75 percent of sales greater than $1,000, and 62 percent for any lesser amount. Tax Twerk is a digital platform to read about personal finance and wealth for freelancers and self-employed entrepreneurs. I'd If you have a wardrobe that rivals Carrie Bradshaw's, but most of those items never come out of the closet, Poshmark is an app that can help you sell your clothes. You can also sell your wedding dress here if you want to. Go through your stuff. I anticipate this to take 12 hrs and am happy to pay $250 Start on Thursday or Friday. Whats best about CardCash is that they buy your unused gift cards regardless of their value or retailer. Declutter your house and pay off those holiday debts with these online tools. If you want your used items to sell quickly, price them at 50 per cent of what you paid when you bought them new. For myriad reasons, moving, downsizing, or embracing The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, there comes a time when you need to get rid of some of your stuff. Include any condition info, such as pristine, chipped, or stained. Hiring Middlemen to Sell Stuff on eBay - WSJ Companies That Sell Your Stuff For You 2021 - TAX TWERK OK, I think I need this pink couch. First, download the ThredUp app on your iOS or Android device, Ship your clothes to the ThredUp warehouse, Get paid in cash or store credits that you can use to buy anything from the ThredUp store. They likewise purchase books that arent reading material. Daniella Flores, creator and author of I Like To Dabble, a blog about money tips and side hustles avows theres nothing you cant sell on eBay, where shes found fortune flipping items, mainly guitars. See our, Protect Yourself From Indoor Air Pollution, National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The application gives you a chance to shop by design marks. If he won't budge on commission, he might be willing to pay to pack and ship your items to the auction house at no additional charge. If you don't have a courier service already, your Tasker can find a shipper who offers the fastest and most reliable service at the best prices. In this era of downsizing, we decided we need to do some of our own by getting rid of some household stuff via eBay -- and snaring some Started doing this full time last year and has been very successful. Heres what you need to do to exchange your old clothes for cash: NextWorth is an online electronics recycling platform that will help you sell your electronic devices like your phone. - Want to declutter and pay off some bills? And so, I will return to where my troubles began: the Internet though this time not to buy, but to sell. Of course, you may not have a masterwork, or even a minor work, hiding in a storage unit. If you do, it will probably cost only a few dollars, but the cost of a fine for neglecting to get one could wipe out your profits. Your eBay trading Tasker can work to answer all your customers' questions promptly and in a concise manner. If it determines your goods are not authentic (or they can't be authenticated), it will charge you $20, plus return shipping. This app was founded by a pregnant woman on bedrest who was frustrated by the clunkiness of other online buying and selling experiences. - Thanks for your hard work. You may get several enquiries, but don't take the first offer - take the time to look at each Tasker's reviews and ratings before booking. Reset your password. For a more detailed list and explanation, you can checkeBay's policies on restricted items. To sell with Gazelle, youll need to provide details of your device, such as: Based on these details, Gazelle will provide you with an estimated price that is valid for up to 30 days. Find out when you'll get paid. Your Tasker can provide you with hard or soft copies of an accounting of the revenues on a daily, weekly or monthly basis upon request. Flex Yan on YouTube. The Real Real may work for you: Ask buyers for their best offer; they will often name a price that's higher than the one you would have suggested. Even if you feel like your item may not have prospective buyers, try listing on any of the platforms discussed. First, you'll want to determine whether you have any items that are valuablesay, worth $1,000 or more. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 22 Apps to Help Sell Your Junk & Stuff Online - Best Wallet Hacks Online marketplaces exist to help you sell what you don't need. Privacy note: We won't use your friend's e-mail for anything other than sending this message. If youre on Facebook you can buy/sell on marketplace, no ebay or paypal fees at all. Note that youve reflected this flaw in your pricing. is there a service I can use to let them take it all and sell for me -- sharing profit? The company partners with over 1,500 stores to bring your device to and exchange it for cash. You have 7 days to make a decision and either accept or decline the offer. How to Sell a House Full of Stuff - HomeLight Blog With Swappa, you can sell anything from phones and computers to gaming consoles. You can also advertise on nextdoor for moving assistance and/or to sell items. There are people who do this for a living. Due date: Flexible, Im after someone to collect my clothes and accessories and sell them on eBay and FB on my behalf. Happy to do a consignment percentage per item sold. Step 1: Clean the Garage. You upload photos and descriptions of your items and set the prices. Todd Sigety, an antiques appraiser in Alexandria, Va., recently got a call from a woman who wanted him to look through the contents of a storage unit that belonged to her late aunt. Take photos of the item 3. For sales under $15, the fee is a single flat rate of $2.95 and sellers keep the rest. Putting up your items on eBay or Amazon will attract millions of potential buyers. Influence-free. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. BuyBackBoss doesnt charge any fees and provides a prepaid shipping label for you to ship your item for free. As per the other reviews of her services, she is very easy to deal with and clear ", Amazing will definitely use her services again, Joe is fantastic. I would not expect to get much back. If youve got clothes, shoes and/or accessories to sell but dont want to be involved in the process, consider ThredUp, which "is designed for the busiest consumers who want a one-stop-shop. Thanks Yes, you can scale your business by getting Taskers to help sell your products on eBay - so go ahead and use the pink button now. But there are lots of regional auction houses across the country that will handle less rarefied goods. Your Tasker can have the items shipped to their respective buyer's addresses. "A man at her sale told her he only had $400 on him for the set; she was so flustered she talked him down to $300.". Auction houses wait until buyers' payments clear before they pay sellers. She is efficient, organised and very thorough . Would 100% hire again, and would have", "Thank you Mitchell you did a great job for such a complicated desk. If you are just starting out with no prior experience or reviews/credibility to your eBay or similar account, you may not obtain as high of a price for high-ticket items as someone with an established account; therefore, it may be better to list and sell a few small-ticket items to first build your reputation and trust with potential buyers before listing something more expensive like a video game system.. Facebook recommends PayPal or cash, but you can also use another person-to-person payment method like Venmo or Cash App. Due date: Flexible, Looking for someone to sell mid-range designer clothes online (ebay, facebook, etc), including taking photos, description and arranging shipping. Does it have scratches? Check website terms carefully. Its a Poshmark subreddit that may be able to assist you with your question. This type of pro is ideal for homeowners who need hands-on help appraising and selling household objects. Get the word out. You transfer photographs and portrayals of your things and set the costs. Due date: Flexible, We are looking for somebody who can take photos of items for us to list on eBay. State-licensed home appraisers compare properties to similar ones on the market to determine a fair price. Specify that the buyer must pick them up. unopened, never usedyou're still selling it secondhand, so consider discounting the price vs. retail. They can send you notice of the sale and provide you with proof of payment. You'll probably get the highest price for a bona fide antique or a collectible in mint condition by selling it at auction. 1. EBay touts 15 categories, making it the eclectic vendors favorite site. Tradesy was founded by a woman who was looking to simply her life by getting rid of stuff she didn't need while connecting to women who actually wanted it. Hire Show them your goods or photos of them. An estate liquidator professional comes to your home, appraises your possessions (and your property for an additional fee), and, at a later date, hosts an estate Work with a Trading Assistant and enjoy these benefits: Save time and effort. You can generally list up to 50 items per month for auction on eBay free, for example. Apps That Make Selling Your Stuff As Easy As Hiring Someone To And, you can even get all your new stuff on the same apps you used to sell your old stuff. A local auctioneer can give you an idea of what he or she thinks an item you own will sell for at auction. I highly recommend her and I have no doubt she can complete with success your next task ! "Our belongings will evolve as dynamically as we do when every product has five lives instead of one. Just keep in mind that the IRS may want a cut of your profits. If theres any kind of flaw (this can be as seemingly insignificant as a tough zipper or a mark on the interior), disclose and photograph that detail. You can place free classified ads on websites such as Craigslist, eBay Classifieds, GarageSaleHunter, and YardSaleSearch. Home Sell Stuff companies that sell your stuff for you. mrcol1000 Forumite. Gone is basically your own personal digital sales associate. Note that BuyBackBoss currently only accepts iPhones, Samsung, and Google Pixels for phone buyback and trade-ins. Youll receive the offer from the company the same day, and if you accept it, youll need to send your item to BuyBackWorld. Easy peasy. Get some help. I really don't think ebay is the best place to sell things anymore it really depends what sort of things you are selling. A professional appraiser will determine the current market value of individual objects or furniture pieces, and the rest is up to you. Don't price anything. It may take a bit of time, but you can usually determine the value of objects or furniture by researching it online. Most buyers research by title, so include all you need there. Press J to jump to the feed. I will do that! Yes. Simple! I need to start doing this ASAP and can pay a percentage of sales. Money Whats good, BuyBackWorld will send you a free shipping kit so you can ship your item for free. IE 11 is not supported. The right pro will help you empty your house and save money while doing it. Top eBay Selling Assistance related questions. If Poshmark had been around in the '90s perhaps Carrie would have had more cash to buy shoes, and more room in her closet for Aidan's things. Therefore on 5Miles, just purchasers inside five miles of you will most likely view your items for sale. Also post information about your sale on social-media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To keep sales coming in, practice exceptional customer service by always striving to keep customers satisfied with their orders, and offering them a returning customer discount, says Welch. The eBay Valet app. How to Find and Hire a Reputable Estate Sale Company. Figuring out what to charge is the most time-consuming and stressful part of garage sales, says Hammond. WebYour eBay selling assistant can do all this while ensuring your listing and sales process adheres to eBay's terms and conditions. 4. They are things I know could be sold but I just don't want to deal w/ listing the items, shipping, etc and would gladly pay someone to do it if it meant I got something + can get rid of it easily. We still dont recognize that sign in. Its a commercial centre for neighbourhood purchasers and venders that have outperformed the beginning of eBay as far as deals volume. While this is a third-party app, it acts as a gateway to Craigslist for mobile users. WebIt's possible to sell everything in your storage unit at once, though you may not get much money for the contents. Its no secret that I love selling my excess crap. Take a few photographs of the possessions you want to auction and write detailed descriptions that you can share with potential auctioneers. Alternatively, you have an option to donate your funds to charity. 5Miles. Ship your package to the buyer as if it must survive a great USPS catastrophe and make it look pretty by wrapping in tissue paper. If you are able to sell on OfferUp then I'd do that for the valuable stuff. You'll need some marketing savvy to make your offerings stand apart. letgo on Twitter. One-of-a-kind items, gently used sporting goods, clothing, electronics, and popular collectibles sell best, says Lynn Dralle, who runs, a site that helps people sell goods on eBay. Poshmark is a free application for selling garments, shoes, totes, extras, and so forth. WebEstate sale people will want the goods to be worth more than 10k so that they can make a minimum of 5k. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Need professional help with your project? It taxes the proceeds from the sale of collectibles as capital gains, generally at a rate of 28 percent. eBay To Sell Your Stuff If you are able to sell on OfferUp then I'd do that for the valuable stuff. I think this is what estate sale companies do, right? In the event that you acknowledge the offer, theyll pay for the delivery, and once the book is assessed, you will be paid by means of PayPal or check. "She didn't think there was anything worth keeping but wanted to make sure before she threw stuff out," he says. Additionally, its more easy to use than Craigslist. I'd like to hire someone to sell my stuff on ebay : r/Frugal - reddit The process is really straightforward: Take a photograph of what you need to sell, present it on the application, and speak with potential purchasers. Negotiate fees. Live auction attendees bid against online bidders in real time. Tradesy's vision is that in the future every product will have at least five owners. When your standard garbage can isn't cutting it, learn whether you should rent a dumpster or hire a junk removal service. Get Ratings on the go and compare while you shop. Text. - Set-up your eBay and PayPal accounts. Tap twice to confirm your choice, then arrange to meet and discuss the job in greater detail. There are a lot of local people around my area looking for odd jobs and you may just find a neighbor that can help for a smaller fee than an official company. This will help your listing be more competitive in attracting buyer interest, and you're more likely to sell your unwanted item faster.. Although planning and running a yard sale take up a lot of time, you don't have pay anyone a commission on the money you make. Just submit your sale application by providing details of the electronic device you want to sell its make, model, and current condition. You can sell anything from collector's items, to electronics, to doll clothes and even mason jars and vacuum bags. I have moved to four different states and gotten rid of almost everything I own each time. Most shops will generally return unsold items after 90days or may donate unsold items to a charity and give you a receipt. As soon as your items arrive, our expert team will check them over and youll get paid the day Do you use the app Nextdoor? You don't have to look for an assistant yourself. Due date: Flexible, Hi! Who to Hire to Appraise, Haul, and Sell My Household Items - Angi Investigate the fees. OfferUp. Hiring a professional to manage your estate liquidation helps alleviate the stress and burden of overseeing every detail. If you'd like a ballpark figure, you can ask an appraiser whether he or she can look the item over and give you a rough idea of what it might be worth. They likewise purchase books that arent reading material. Unfortunately this was before the days of super savvy apps that could have made my material purging much easier. "I always suggest that people go to some auctions to see what different houses specialize in and to see which ones pull in a good crowd," says Luke. Mercari on Twitter. Hire the best eBay Listing writers - Upwork ThredUp is an app that acts as an online thrift store where you can buy and sell used clothes. eBay selling assistant services include all the activities necessary for getting your items sold on eBay. DeCluttr is a destination to buy and sell technology, and its free to use. Linda's Stuff, for example, is hosted on eBay, so an international clientele will see your merchandise. I don't know how that would work , though, happy to discuss it. And start earlysay, 6 a.m. or 7 ensure that you'll get the going-to-work and driving-the-kids-to-school crowd. There are some restricted items and countries or regions you can't get items from to sell on eBay. When you search for the item you want to resell to do pricing research, filter your search on items that already sold. I know this comment is from years ago - but I am in the NYC area and often help others sell on Ebay/Facebook Marketplace/Craigslist/Poshmark for a percentage of what the item sells for.
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