This card can also be a sign of being too secretive with your emotions, thus repressing them. One Card Readings are for when you need a fast, straight to the point answer. If you have started dating this new person, the Seven of Pentacles means that your person sees you as someone who can not be fooled by funny jokes or showing off. Another way to interpret this card in reverse would be a compulsive curiosity to know others secrets and peek behind the curtain, so to say. Patiently waiting is a virtue indeed, but it can turn into a burden. This is an invitation to set your worries aside for a while and enjoy the silence. This could be a soulmate connection, especially if combined with the 2 of Cups, 6 of Cups, or the Lovers. Also, it advises you to be mindful of your behavior because you may not be the person to cause a jealousy scene, but if you come to be that person, you should look into yourself if you are that person or if your partner has pushed you to that point. Regarding the archetype of religion that they both represent it looks like a Yin-Yang distinction in some ways. Dont judge your feelings; instead, follow them and look for a partner who will do the same without a doubt. You could find them in a tidy house, reading a good book, having a hot cup of coffee, and waiting for their faithful lover while a jazz record is playing in the background. Frigid, bitter, and withholding, the High Priestess in reverse becomes a statue of beauty and warmth that are slowly fading. A sign to sit quietly for a while, the High Priestess card is the opposite of action. There is nothing lacking, youre on the right path to success in most or all of your lifes endeavours. It can also refer to libraries, studies, secret rooms, and the workspace of someone who practices divination and witchcraft. The High Priestess would remind you that a work environment can turn toxic pretty soon because careers, jobs, and money are on the line. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. Here, on the threshold of the temple, there is no choice but to stand still and listen to the voice within our hearts. A balanced daily life without distractions inspires them to become better versions of themselves. For the High Priestess card, to enter into a relationship means committing to that unexplainable inner knowing and attraction, and bringing that out openly to the surface. Inner knowing, working the unconscious mind. Your plans need time to materialize. Theres a great potential for progress if you pay attention to your teachers. Youll eventually find out for yourself and will probably get what you want, but it may be different than what you expect. i don't like being idealized, but that's what i get from the high priestess. Its going to take some time until the reserved and careful Priestess gives birth to the abundance of the flourishing Empress. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Reversed, the High Priestess may indicate that passivity and avoidance have dulled the querents senses and its time to get up and do some work! Under one condition though: your motives have to be pure, and you have to earn her trust. Its too soon to tell what will occur, so you might as well keep your thoughts to yourself for now. The beauty of the High Priestess is unquestionable. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. This spread indicates that it is time for you to take action on whatever you have thought out and planned. The High Priestess in reverse also means there is an absence of intuitive thought or an unwillingness to listen to your intuition. When the High Priestess card appears in relation to a conflict, it advises you to hold on to your personal power. The High Priestess Tarot card is a deeply powerful and spiritual card, and if she has shown up for you in a reading, then her energies have a powerful meaning for you at this time. Behind her, we see a curtain decorated with palm trees and pomegranates, symbols of victory, abundance, life, and fertility. One may even feel shame and guilt because what they wish for is considered immoral or extreme. The answers will appear when you will have accepted yourself completely. Perhaps you didnt trust your intuition and wound up in a job that doesnt fit you. Avoid those who ignore your feelings and disrespect your value as a human being. This can be . On a more everyday level she can personify how someone sees you, your personality type and your feelings in general. It is a time to rest, heal, and recollect ourselves. Therefore, the card will often refer to reading, writing, and studying. Simply let what has already formed blossom without trying to control things. As an action card, it might be a sign that you have been avoiding life for too long. Meditation, Spirituality and Conscious Living. This card is about having faith in yourself and the universe, learning something new every day, and trusting others without letting their opinions affect you. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. Be wary if this card comes up during a love reading as a potential interpretation suggests obsession; if someone is romantically interested in you it signifies overly intense sentiments bordering on infatuation. To believe in a better future, first, you have to believe in yourself. Patronizing, giving the silent treatment, demanding respect while offering none, hiding the true self, rationalizing instead of trusting emotions and building trust, the High Priestess reversed is distant, stern, and cold. Passivity, expectations, and resignation might make you feel bleak and hopeless. The High Priestess advises patience and careful study in career matters. High Priestess tarot card meaning So, in case you are wondering how a person sees you and you get this card reversed, you may seem superficial, rigid, and out of their reach. An old friend may show up to see how youre doing and share what theyve been up to all this time. Therefore, it is neither a yes or no from this card. Contrary to what one might think, this is not a person who wishes to be left alone, but one who chooses their friends and companions with great care. Read this next: You Pulled the World Card Now What? Emptying the busy-ness of the mind by listening to the breath allows one to develop the sensitivity needed to listen to the quiet whispers of the heart and soul. If someone feels the High Priestess for you, it means there is a deep connection you both share, one which neither of you may be able to explain. The reversal of the card might very well indicate the ancient ruins of a shrine or temple, worn out by the passage of time. The reversed High Priestess indicates isolation, coldness, jealousy, and passivity. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. If it is a question about the timing of an event and you pull The High Priestess, it indicates that the timing is hidden. Or it could be inactivity and wondering about what-could-have-been that gets to you. This card is a sign to listen to your intuition and follow your gut feeling, a silent invitation to be still and know. Thats when the roles change, and you have to remain calm and learn to listen. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. Maybe you already know the answer. A relationship is never 50/50. "/> You may have guessed wrong, or your question may be misplaced. The High Priestess holds the number 2, and it is the third Tarot Card of the Major Arcana cards. Nevertheless, you have to know when to wrap things up and move forward. Ensure you are in a place where you will not be disturbed. Find someone you trust, tell them of your troubles, and listen to their insight. For sure, its better to be safe than sorry. An inner conflict is present when the High Priestess shows up reversed. There can only be one way to interpret the High Priestess when she appears in the advice position: there are hidden aspects to the situation that you have to discover before deciding what to do. Taking into account, there are 78 tarot cards in a deck. They may have been ignoring the signs and messages of life and looking for answers in the wrong place. They appreciate your calm energy, collected posture, and your education and diplomacy. When you learn to harness the power of your intuition, you may be surprised by how easily things tend to fall into place. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! But what would you choose, if you had no unwanted opinions or emotions or external factors standing in your way? Some people, perhaps an unfortunate majority, like the glamour and newsworthiness of intensity and emotional instability, and it is true that someone in an emotionally stable relationship has no dramas to workshop with her friends over a coffee, so perhaps she's boring - to others. However, what they desire most is, perhaps, mental clarity and living a meaningful, personal life. Underneath the surface of our thoughts, there is a deeper knowing, an intuition that exists. You may have disappointed them and theyve misread your calm and quiet character as bleak indifference. A step-by-step guide, How do you cleanse tarot cards in between readings. It is a sign to search your feelings, acknowledge them, and encourage stability. High priestess how someone sees you - Shes the divine feminine guarding the threshold between two worlds; light and darkness, spirit and flesh. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana? Every mistake you made will make your life easier if you are willing to revisit what went wrong with understanding and patience. Have a little faith, both in yourself and other people, but never forget that only you can know how to live your life. And why is that? Or it could be that you are in conflict with your own mind and thoughts, some of which you know are irrational, yet you cannot stop yourself from being afraid of them. While this can seem like a veil, its not hiding anything. You wish not to see the future events or tast events; you just need a specific answer on the question for a present situation that is bothering you. The High Priestess often plays the role of the feminine spiritual guide, so dont be surprised when your phone rings and your friend asks for advice, hanging on your every word! When someone thinks of you as the High Priestess, they consider you to be wise, intuitive, and mysterious. the reader . The person of interest believes theres more than meets the eye with you. The EMO comment was really about how these very abstract qualities translate to a living breathing person. That is, if they do not hide away in shame. Like every other card, the High Priestess can have a variety of meanings. This wont be a time of drastic change, but quiet and mindful waiting. Emperor as How Someone Sees You I got this card and also another reader did a separate reading and pulled this card for me and got the same thing in the same position for how someone viewed me in a relationship with him. You could interpret this card as a Yes, although meaning that the answer is a positive one, yet there are complications to be considered. You may have let others opinions get to you, affecting your choices and productivity. The High Priestess describes a person who wants peace and quiet in their home. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. This card could also indicate that where others seek to win over others with physical fists or immoral power plays, you should instead seek wisdom and clarity. It is a passive-aggressive halt from activity, a denial to accept the changes and flow of life. And theres no questioning your motives in their mind; they are as pure, clear, and mesmerizing as moonlight. As an outcome card in reverse, the High Priestess broods in tense and irritating silence. The High Priestess indicates that you will be successful, and whatever you choose will be the right one meant for you. Empress as How Someone Sees You. Sometimes it is your partner who does. You possibly have not considered all the factors in play and wont know for sure until you discover the truth for yourself. If you notice the situation shifting, you should consider if it is worth it getting into conflicts, or if you need to ignore your colleagues petty fights and keep your eyes on the prize, which may be the experience, the promotion, or the income. That person whose life is always the worst and who complains about how horrible it all is. The two pillars refer to the ancient Temple of Solomon. Their unfathomable melancholy and sadness are only surpassed by the bright moonlight of their disarming smile. If they hold the same qualities as you, they will be a good match for you . - as someone who is on the same page as them with a good bond and connection. Now its time to sit back and let life blossom without interference. She generally symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and inner balance. If currently in a relationship, this card in reverse is a definite sign that something is going wrong. He is in a transformation and feels very low on self confidence. In reverse, the High Priestess warns you that you are closing the door to your intuition. The High Priestess.When the King and Queen appear in combination in a relationship reading, this can reflect that both you and your partner desire having it all in life; the marriage, the kids, the pets, and a happy . Bad blood can only lead to more enmity. They see you need someone stable, you have done your reflection, and you are sure about what you want. It may also indicate that things are still moving behind the scenes. It may leave you confused and lead you to create conflicts at work. In reverse, the High Priestess suggests that you will go through a time of confusion and passivity in the near future and not much will seem to be going on. You might expect something specific, only to witness a behavior that is the exact opposite and conflicts with what was promised. What is Kim Kardashians Zodiac Sign? The Cup Suits represent emotions, feelings, relationships, and contract-ships. - If this is a relationship, maybe a larger (not too big, just a few cards) spread would help clarify how things are going as they affect you both; - you might remind someone from his past; - as walking away from something unfulfilling or disappointing to look for something bigger and better; - In a love context as someone pretty desirable as you can "satisfy" his needs baby; - people see you as a person whom they feel comfortable with; - the person in question, recognizes the potential re: the situation being inquired into; - Kind of sweet, a tender-hearted person; - When he thinks of me he feels loving, nurturing, protective, patriarchal; - Ace is always good in relationship. Doing this will help remove the obstacle you are confronted with. Full Moons, major transits, and just getting through March oh my! Representing the ability to learn, teach, and nurture, she fosters understanding and harmony. View this as a chance to face your feelings so you can slowly rebuild a strong foundation. They want to help, support, and inspire you, although not directly! I think they would stimulate your feelings for them; - He has weighed the possibility of you two, and decided not to take any action (yet? When the Moon is in Virgo, it represents a time of organization, attention to detail, and practicality. You are not supposed to know when something is going to happen. Now look at the card and let your inner chatter fade away. Observe your problems from a distance and, in time, more choices and solutions will present themselves. Her knowledge and her wisdom are as old as the Earth itself. While they may even adore you with reverence and devotion, they may be somewhat reserved towards you because of your mysterious aura. The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning | Alizon Tarot This leads me to wonder if you leave him in hopes that by leaving, you're going to make him change in ways that you want him to change. Furthermore, they may believe you can teach them the secrets of life, help them understand a different way to perceive the world, or at least offer support and warmth in times of trouble. One who knows how to listen and thus allows the true self to emerge, a considerate friend who will not inappropriately chatter about themselves to steal the others thunder. Some psychic readers like to read reversed tarot cards. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card mean reversed? You may be very controlling, jealous, and overall toxic for the other person. The High Priestess Guide - The Tarot Card of Higher Knowledge They may want to propose to you, but they may also hold back a little because they dont know you very well, or your abilities scare them. All we have to do is learn to wait until the time is ripe, listen to our inner voice, and look beyond the obvious. They withhold their intentions because they are unclear, shrouded by uncertainty and delusion. If you pull The High Priestess in reverse, it indicates a day when you may feel exhausted, lacking mental clarity, and having emotional outbursts. The High Priestess card can also highlight someone of a deep and intuitive nature who will help you find the right career path for you. In other words, she has mastered the virtues of patience and meditation. Librarians, writers, poets, and journalists may identify with the High Priestess and find affirmation and inspiration when she appears in a reading. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you. A reversed High Priestess in your love reading means that you are perhaps thinking and judging when you should be feeling. The High Priestess is a quiet person, even mysterious sometimes, someone who can offer great advice and help you solve your problems with an aura of certainty and integrity.
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