She asked for an OR, but Cristina, who had been questioning Teddy's abilities all day, was reluctant. Arizona walked over to Bailey, and when she saw the chart, she came up with a possible diagnosis. When head pediatric surgeon Jordan Kenley died, Arizona was promoted to department head and took over Dr. Kenley's cases. Days after, Arizona came to pick up Sofia at Callie's. The two of them ended up sharing a kiss. Arizona then confessed she couldn't stand the way everyone stared at her, and the way everyone talked and judged her, including April. Lauren then asked to get coffee before the surgery, but Arizona said she had other things to do. [65], After her return to Seattle, Sofia refused to go to school. Penny then appeared. at the offer. [53], Arizona traveled to New York to help Sofia get settled with Callie and Penny. Arizona tried to ask her out, but Charlotte mistook it as an invite for a follow-up. She had applied for this grant two years previously, when she hadn't met Callie yet. San Diego plane crash Bailey complained to Richard about Arizona, but he simply told her to work with Arizona because that's who they had. Moments later, the storm hit Seattle and Arizona and Lauren went to talk to Tyler's parents. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. Callie makes her feel like she's not enough, and she knows it's unfair to Callie, which is why she hates feeling like this. When he told her he couldn't feel his legs, she suddenly stopped laughing, and he said he knew that was bad. Arizona is a lesbian and was married to Callie Torres. Siblings However, Lauren did not listen and came to the NICU anyway, stating she was not going to sit around while there was a room full of babies needing help. He told her he couldn't move. However, at the party, April overheard Callie tell everyone that Arizona died in the plane crash they were in. Against her will, Callie picked her up and put her in the shower, and made it clear that Arizona's problems were her problems too, as they lived together. She then turned to Callie and suggested they have a second baby, as it would be nice to have something new and happy to think about. In the end, Arizona and Callie end up divorcing. Owen asked Alana to leave them alone, and Arizona though Alana would have her fired, as she hadn't been very efficient lately. After work, Callie came home where she saw Arizona having a little dance party with Sofia, and Arizona told her about her good day. However, after working with Arizona on a woman with quadruplets, he had a talk with April. During a break in court, Arizona met Callie in the bathroom of the courthouse, where Callie was changing her pantyhose. He made it clear she still needed help with her leg and that she should let the people in her corner help her. The hospital was found negligent, and each of the survivors was granted 15 million dollars. Before he left, he told her Callie was trying too. [37] The drinking helped to ease her nerves and she and Penny were introduced by Callie. Arizona initially got off on the wrong foot with Dr. Bailey and Karev. As they were operating, Richard asked how many women she was seeing. [34], On Bailey's first day as Chief, Arizona was confronted with Callie enthusiastically telling everyone but her about her fantastic new girlfriend. [39], Arizona was interested in a female firefighter named Charlotte, who ended up at the hospital with a gluteal burn. Plane Crash She did it in college, in med school, and when she first got her job at Seattle Grace. A disappointed Callie then left Arizona alone to go check on her patient. Callie came home to get Arizona for the meeting anyway, only to find her sitting in a pool of her own urine in the bathroom, having fired the homecare nurse for not liking her. However, Arizona confessed to Callie that she slept with someone more than ten times while they were broken up but assured her that it was over. At the end of the day, intern Andrew DeLuca showed interest as nobody else wanted to live with him. That night Arizona texted Leah asking 'What are you up to?' Arizona then yelled back that Callie hadn't been on the plane and out there in the woods for days, even though she kept on acting like she had been. You should know Arizona Robbins died on December 1, 2006. Arizona confessed that she hadn't told Callie, as she wanted to be Callie's wife again after having been her patient for so long. When Callie finds out she is furious she ends up kicking her out of the house. She initially dismissed it as just fine, but he insisted to hear more so he could improve his wingman project. She consulted with Amelia, who later told Arizona that she believed she could remove the tumor. Arizona then took to eating dessert right out of the dish before April took her home. Arizona started sniping that she didn't need to be there, as Callie was there and that Callie took other decisions for her, too, like the one to cut off her leg. She suffered from phantom limb at night, but when it started to happen during the day too, she didn't want to talk to Callie about it. At the wedding, Callie once again brought up that she was doing the research for Arizona. A crying Callie replied that she apparently did lose Arizona. He helped her to remember what it was like to be fun and confident and a little slutty, something she wanted to embrace while she was still young and fun. Despite the fact that it was fun, she decided not to see the woman again because she was also kind of crazy. At some point, April asked her if she could try on her leg and they both laughed. After a pause, Arizona said, "Marry me." At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. In the aftermath of the plane accident, in which Sloan and Lexie Grey were killed, the hospital is sued and eventually found liable for negligence. 'Grey's Anatomy' : The Most Shocking (and Heartbreaking) After seeing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, Arizona referred to the baby as "theirs.". [28], Callie and Arizona decided to use a surrogate to try to have another child. When Callie was sad because her research was failing, Arizona tried to get her to cheer up, but after some snapping, Callie just walked out on Arizona. [41] Arizona was the first one to find out about April's pregnancy after her divorce to Jackson. What happened to Arizona Robbins? She then asked Arizona to stay away from her and told her to go to Hell. Lauren said she looked forward to talking strategy later on that day, charming Arizona again. Arizona was later annoyed when Eliza moved one of her surgeries, and accused Eliza of turning everybody against her, but Eliza defended herself by saying that people were simply afraid of change. 2 firefighters dead after plane crashes while surveying Arizona That advice backfired heavily as it inspired Callie to decide to move to New York with Penny, and take Sofia with her. WebPlot. Arizona reached out to Nicole once when Nicole attended "Blind School," but Nicole didn't pick up or call back, leaving Arizona to give up trying to initiate contact. firefighters, including fire chief, die She then ended up helping Arizona, during which she flirted. When Callie was pregnant Mark and Arizona took an interest in her health and started cooking and trying new recipes together.[72]. The next day, Callie told Arizona she should come to the settlement meeting to make her own decision about whether or not she wanted to take it. [61], After they'd been seeing each other for a while, Eliza told Arizona she was ready for them to have sex. She assured Arizona she could see Sofia whenever she wanted and then got paged away, leaving a shocked Arizona. [73] While working together with Alex on two equally sick twins and they had to decide which one would get the donor liver they both needed, Arizona had a moment of looking back on her relationship with Alex. Later that day, Arizona met Alex in a supply room and they talked about her cheating. She was top of her class and she was the chief resident in her fifth year at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Arizona agreed to follow Kenley's course of treatment for another day, but did want to explore other options. [13], Soon after her miscarriage, Arizona met a woman named Lauren Boswell at the coffee cart when she accidentally took Lauren's coffee. She thought it would make them stronger as a couple. When Arizona first worked with Bailey after her arrival at Seattle Grace Hospital, they butted heads when they disagreed over the treatment plan Arizona's predecessor had set for Jackson Prescott, which Bailey had supported. [55], When Eliza came to the hospital to help out after a building collapsed, she was surprised that Arizona appeared not to remember their conversation, but Arizona admitted that she did and she was interested, but she didn't like that Eliza talked like she owned the place. When a new consultant was hired by Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital to revamp their surgical residency program, Eliza made a loud entrance. Eliza then answered, "That name attached to that face? Arizona almost left and Lauren said, "Arizona, you are allowed to lose a little bit of control." After some time passed, Arizona came back and told Callie she missed her, but Callie closed the door in her face. Children [38], Soon after, Arizona decided it was time to get back in the dating pool and picked trivia night at a lesbian bar as the perfect opportunity to dip her toe in. Callie wanted to discuss options, but Arizona said it sounded like she had already decided. Callie yelled back that she did so to save Arizona's life. Despite everyone's efforts not to make a big deal out of it, like Alex paying a kid not to ask her about the fake leg, there were some comments about her return and prosthetic, like Bailey mentioning her first surgery was a lot of standing for her first day back. She booked them a room in the hotel where the wedding was organized, and they went there with some mac and cheese cupcakes from the buffet (for in case they worked up an appetite). Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy As she walked out of the elevator, Lauren said she already knew this as there is only Arizona Robbins on the Internet. When Arizona decided she needed to move herself and Sofia back to New York, she ended things with Carina. However, Arizona solidified her stance when she was contacted by a New York school about Sofia's application. Title(s) First During the surgery, Leah complimented Arizona's technique, and Callie then apologized for having stated that Arizona wasn't a general surgeon. Arizona didn't mention who she slept with, though Callie figured it out later in surgery when Leah made a mistake and desperately begged Arizona to step in and help her. As the lights flickered back on, Arizona pushed her off, saying that she couldn't do that. They had shocked faces as they approached a stopped truck and crashed. How Does Callie Torres Die In GREYs Anatomy? - On Secret Hunt Bailey later realized that Arizona was "okay", which she also told the Chief, to whom she had earlier complained. She went to a lounge, where she took of her prosthetic. You have screwed dozens of interns, and you got them all fired. While Callie was ranting over how Sofia lost a parent and she lost her best friend, Arizona turned towards Callie. Callie argued that Arizona moved a lot in her youth and she turned out fine. Arizona is one of the "Grey Sloan Seven". When Callie had the chicken pox, Arizona snooped through. Richard said if she wanted her daughter, she had to fight like she'd never fought before. [48] Arizona accompanied April to Lucinda Gamble, a lawyer, to get advice on her situation with Jackson and later gave her an ultrasound to assure her everything was fine with her baby. Count Alias On the day of April's wedding, Callie and Derek started the second phase of their research. [10], While waiting for Bailey to come to the wedding after the surgery, Callie assured Arizona that her comment to Bailey was just a joke, but this made Arizona think about their marriage. Ann was her favorite scrub nurse until she was laid off as part of the pre-merger cutbacks. Lauren tried to come up with an excuse, but Callie figured out what had happened. She found a house and pinned a flyer to a board at the hospital to find a roommate. GA: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 You're one of the Seattle Grace Five. Arizona even became pregnant with a sperm donor's child but miscarried. After four days in the woods, Arizona and the others were taken to the hospital in Boise, where scans were taken of her leg. They got drunker and got more fun, both agreeing that they need to have fun again. Throughout the day, Arizona noticed that Stephanie acted as if there were a reason that people didn't want to live with her. She didn't dare to tell him the truth until they were at the bar. [33], After Alex moved out and sold the house back to Meredith, Arizona had to move out. She suggested that she carry the baby this time and a surprised and enthusiastic Callie agreed. Eventually, Callie revealed that she was pregnant with Mark's baby. Greys Anatomys Arizona Robbins is alive but in no way does she resemble the happy, peppy, perky doctor who first zoomed through Seattle Grace sporting a pair of light up wheelie sneakers. Does Izzie and Alex have a baby? [7], Arizona being fitted for a prosthetic leg, Hearing how Callie was struggling with Arizona, Bailey planned to get Arizona back to work. Left with a broken leg with exposed bone! She was furious, scolded him and yelled at him, saying that he could no longer represent the hospital. Originally, Alex was on the plane to Boise to represent Arizona's department, but then Arizona heard that he had chosen to take the fellowship at Johns Hopkins instead of staying in Seattle to study under her. She revealed it was driving her crazy how Callie kept on trying to forgive and take care of her. However, they got into a fight in the waiting room at the surrogacy agency and put the idea on hold. Arizona went there, and she and Callie argued over their marriage and the decision to start a family while Derek watched Zola and Sofia. They started flirting somewhat, until Jackson entered the scrub room too. Callie was dismayed to learn that Arizona didn't want children. Arizona asked her to take a step back and pointed out she never said yes to the plan. Callie then revealed that she was pregnant and that Mark was the father. Arizona's jealousy came to the forefront, and the two argued, with Callie concluding, "Tell me what you want and I'll do it." She gave Arizona time to think about it and left. She confronted Alex, who had ignored her concerned calls and texts, and scolded him for his actions. Later on, Arizona tried to tell Callie how she felt about the miscarriage. When she was growing up, she moved every 18 months due to her family's involvement in the military. However, there was still some tension between Arizona and Callie. She lost the baby. At the beginning of the 2014-2015 residency year, Arizona decided to start a fetal surgery fellowship under Dr. Nicole Herman. Leah promised her she wouldn't tell anybody what happened, but Arizona cut her off and said she could be more useful handling patients on the floor, making Leah leave. The two of them had sex and accidentally exchanged scrub tops, which is how Callie noticed later that Arizona had cheated on her. "You're adorable," Arizona said, as she touched Leah's nose. Their relationship continued, but when Callie's father came to visit and discovered that she was dating a girl, he cut Callie off. [62], After the hospital fire chaos had settled, Arizona found Eliza and suggested they go back to her place to have overly tired sex before getting some sleep. Richard proved a very capable wingman and got her connected to several women to her liking. However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. Did Arizona Robbins lose her leg in real life? Greys Anatomy: Jessica Capshaws character, Arizona Robbins, had a mostly real prosthetic leg. In the aftermath Grandparents She was panicking when the pilot asked if there was someone there. Callie pushed Arizona to answer when she asked her if that meant she didn't ever want to try again, but all Arizona could say was that she didn't know. When Owen informed his staff that they had to cancel all elective procedures as preparation for the superstorm heading towards Seattle, Callie asked Arizona if she was going to postpone Tyler's surgery. Arizona arranged ladies night for her after Henry died. [63], Eliza "ghosted" Arizona, not replying to her messages and moving out of her apartment without saying a word to Arizona about it. They made plans for that night, but they were cancelled when one of Arizona's patients went into labor, but Arizona told Eliza that she looked for her around the hospital all the time and that the anticipation of waiting one more day wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. She told him the ortho metaphor she worked out to tell Callie, but Alex wasn't enthusiastic about it and advised her to stick to apologizing for being such a slut. [31] Dr. Herman stated that in that time, she would teach Arizona everything she knows for none of her knowledge is written down in books and she wanted her knowledge to be known so it could save more lives. Alex happily accepted her help as Arizona had just told them they needed to do anything to keep the parents happy. [29], Arizona began a new fellowship at GSMH with Dr. Nicole Herman, an outstanding fetal surgeon who began to teach Arizona all her skills and knowledge. They came to the conclusion that they could not continue their relationship, as they both wanted different things. In the aftermath Arizona replied that it was okay, as they've all said things they shouldn't have.
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