In Bihar, there are about 33 castes under the Other Backward Classes or OBC 1, which is as follows. Free Bijali Bill New Update: ? Nalband, Sais -do- 64. Bania women tend to be better educated than other women in South Asia, though this rarely translates into achievement in the workplace, but rather is a means of obtaining a better match in marriage. Although no recent data are available, the Bania castes make up an estimated 6% or 7% (or 55 million to 65 million people) of India's Hindu population. Six of the eight traits most fre-quently assigned to the Ahir by our subjects are undesirable-Miser, Cunning, Dishonest, Greedy, Coward, and Selfish. ? EWS Category Caste List. Services. Some Interesting Facts About Uttar Pradesh. The more conservative groups prefer traditional education to Western schooling. OBC Full-FormOther Backward ClassWhich Hindi meansOther Backward Class. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Arvind has one younger brother, Manoj who is employed as a Software Engineer in IBM, Pune and a younger sister, Ranjana, working as a doctor in Bharat . Which caste is baniya in nepal? - Many used to be substantial jagirdars, but the land reforms carried out after independence in 1947 and seen a break up of the larger estates. However, modern education has come to be seen as a means of success in both personal and business life. On the other hand, the prosperous industrialist in Bombay or Calcutta is likely to live in a luxurious, air-conditioned house, with numerous servants, automobiles, and all the conveniences of modern living. Women among the Bania castes have a low status and are usually confined to their homes though some help their husbands in the family shop and city women work. 20 surnames of Newa community and stories behind them Baniya (Local traders) Baniyas are categorised as local traders and even Ayurvedic pharmacists by profession. Bind (bc1) . Baitha Bihar me kis category me aataa hai. Though some members of the Bania castes are cultivators, more Banias than any other caste follow their traditional caste occupation. Well before films glamourised movie stars as giant killers, almost every caste, in old fashioned India, claimed some kind of martial status. They are split between the Svetambara ("white-clad") and Digambara ("sky-clad") sects of Jainism. Arvind Kejriwal is the eldest son of Gobind Ram Kejriwal, an electrical engineer, and Geeta Devi. Orientation Some scholars argue it was Bania moneylenders who funded British economic development in India. Sick or injured animals are provided with medical care, and old animals are maintained until they die from natural causes. They are found throughout Magadh, Muzaffarpur, East Champaran, West Champaran, Munger, Bhagalpur, Nawada, Gaya and Odisha. Here, we have some prominent surname of Jain's: Rupani, Zaveri, Bhansali, Oswal, Mehta, Sarak, Gada, Doshi, etc. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Others have suggested that proximity to the overland and maritime trade routes with the Middle East have played a role in this emphasis on trade and commercial activities. Jains in northern India generally belong to the Svetambara sect. Many of his surviving relatives live in Whole India ,Nepal and Aborad like United States of America, Britain, Russia & Others. Jaats (15.3%) from Hindu OBCs has less poverty than Brahmins and Other Caste groups but higher than Thakurs. Many younger men eat meat at social events outside their community. kalwar ( Jaiswal ) Backward class me ata hai ya nahi. Madari -do- 63. We endeavor to keep you informed and help you choose the right Career path. A variety of turbans are worn, depending on locality, but all clearly identify the wearer as a Bania. Their traditional occupation has been in the business of textiles and food grains. for the financial year before you apply for the exam. Banias believe that the community originated 5000 years ago when an ancestor Maharaja Agrasen (or Ugarsain) of Agroha, Haryana divided the Vaisya (third in the Hindu varna system) community into 18 clans. Poddar (Vaise Baniya) caste falls under OBC category or not? Reason if Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Your family should not own a residential flat of area 1000 square feet or more. DALITS The Rig Veda, which dates back at least to the second millennium before the common era, described the origins of the entire universe fr, PRONUNCIATION: muh-RAHT-uhz nepali surnames and caste nepali surnames and caste. Unlike the mainland Baniya community, this community of Assam is recognized as Schedule Caste by the government of India. //]]>, PRONUNCIATION: BAHN-yuhzALTERNATE NAMES: VaniaLOCATION: India (Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra states; also sizeable communities in Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and other Indian cities); Singapore; Malaysia; Fiji; Hong Kong; elsewhere in the Middle EastPOPULATION: 55-65 millionLANGUAGE: Rajasthani, Marwari and other dialects of western Hindi or the language of the region from which they originateRELIGION: Hinduism; JainismRELATED ARTICLES: Vol. OBC and EBC themselves are called OBC 1 and OBC 2. I belongs to Poddar (vaise baniya )caste. This latter custom is of interest because in Hinduism the dog is usually viewed as an unclean animal. Which is richest state in India? Most of the Rauniyars who are Nepalese citizens do not change their surname. They contribute heavily to the support of temples and religious institutions. Bania (caste) Bania women in British India. Is oBC and EBC same in bihar. Updates? Thus, in Gujarat, where vegetarianism has long been an established tradition, the typical diet consist of breads (roti) made from wheat or other grains, eaten with vegetables, condiments, and copious amounts of ghi (clarified butter). The women take part in social and religious functions only, although they do have input on financial matters relating to the family. Family planning is practiced to limit family size. Im from benipatti madhubani and i am a muslim but i really dont know what is my category Unlike the mainland Baniya community, this community of Assam is recognized as Schedule Caste by the government of India. I have been applied for OBC certificate online but eventually I got caste certificate with EBC denoted in the certificate. General Castein Hindi meansgeneral caste. Which caste is famous in Gujarat? That means, at central level barnawal caste is in GENERAL category. In Gujarat, a Hindu Bania woman usually returns to her father's house for her confinement and to give birth. PDF CENTRAL LIST OF OBCs FOR THE STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH baniya caste category in up - The word Bania (also Vania) is derived from the Sanskrit vanij, meaning "a merchant." Help ke liye mauka dene ke liye dhanyawad. Bania, also spelled Baniya, (from Sanskrit vijya, "trade"), Indian caste consisting generally of moneylenders or merchants, found chiefly in northern and western India; strictly speaking . Gujarati language [category] to literary criticism works. The life-cycle rituals of the Banias conform in general to Hindu and Jain practices, although they may show variations in their details. ." The Brittial Bania/Bania is an ethnic community in Assam, India. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bania Caste List in Hindi Baniya Gotra List Baniya Kon Hote Hai? BC1 BC2 PDF ? [1], They are present in almost the entire India and trying to create bonding amongst themselves, People of India Bihar Volume XVI Part Two edited by S Gopal & Hetukar Jha pages 817 to 820 Seagull Books, Last edited on 10 December 2022, at 08:29, "Chhote Lal Rauniyar biography - Safal paila",, This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 08:29. If yes then tell me what is reservation percentage. 3: Hindus; Vol 4: People of India. POPULATION: c. 70 million (estimate) (50% are o, Bangs Sisters, Lizzie and May (early 1900s), The Rauniyar is a Hindu caste mostly found in Nepal and India. Like all Hindu groups, Banias cremate their dead. Both institutions are supported by charitable contributions from Banias. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Hierarchy, difference and the caste system: A study of rural Bihar 22 Feb. 2023 . Among the younger generation who are entering modern industrial or commercial concerns, university and even professional degrees are commonplace. IOCL Recruitment 2023 Notification Out Online Apply For 101 Vacancies IOCL 2023. Bania, also spelled Baniya, (from Sanskrit vijya, trade), Indian caste consisting generally of moneylenders or merchants, found chiefly in northern and western India; strictly speaking, however, many mercantile communities are not Banias, and, conversely, some Banias are not merchants. Both Jains and Vaishnavas are strictly vegetarian, out of concern for ritual purity, regard for animal life, and the sanctity of the cow. The Pancha section is ranked the lowest of the three. Several theories have been placed forward speculating the origin of the term 'Rauniyar'. On the other hand, as bankers, moneylenders, traders, and businesspeople, Banias have played an essential role in the functioning of India's economy. Sir baniya kis categori mein aata hai, aur main apna title barnwal lagata hu mera sab caste kya hai based on state aur central. Thus, a Shrimali from Gujarat speaks Gujarati, an Oswal from Rajasthan speaks Marwari (a Rajasthani dialect), and a Banajiga Lingayat (a trading subgroup of the Hindu Lingayat sect) from Karnataka speaks Kannada. Hindu Banias are almost exclusively Vaishnavas, i.e., they worship the god Vishnu, in his incarnation as Krishna. There is, perhaps, an element of truth in this stereotype. Poddar caste is in OBC in some state just like Bihar and Up. List ofScheduled Tribesin Bihar / Bihar St List. Their homeland in India from ancient times was know, caste [Port., casta=basket], ranked groups based on heredity within rigid systems of social stratification, especially those that constitute Hindu In, Telugu My OBC Certificate comes under Bihar Central list and issued by Delhi govt. [8], The etymological origin lays in the Sanskrit word vanik, and they are deemed to be India's "pre-eminent" trading community, historically. As with all Hindu castes or jati, they are endogamous social units. Chatur Baniya and chaturvarna: Caste slurs are hurtful but it's also I Bihar Caste List 2023 I, Bihar Caste List 2023 Full Details and PDF List is Available on Bihar Government Official Serviceplusbihar, RTPS Bihar Service Plus Online Form 2021 Caste Income & Residence Certificate II . Agr aap Bihar State ke job ke liye from bhar rhe hai to Online form me bc 1 ya ebc ka option hoga. Thus, a Dasa Shrimali Shravak is a member of the Dasa section of the Shrimali caste who follows the Jain religion. [citation needed], In India, the Rauniyar call themselves as Namnihar. hame to pata hi nahi hai kripya mujhe batane ki kripya kare . Poddar community is under the Sawarn Vaisya which is above the all Baniya community. The goshala, a home for old and useless cows, stems from the Hindu concept of the sanctity of the cow. , , | General, ST, SC, OBC Caste Bihar Categories wise Caste List 2021 | OBC EBC & General, SC-ST. Bihar Caste List: More than 200 castes reside in the state of Bihar. Bihar Caste Category List :- , ? Mainly A wealthy man may wear a silver girdle, a gold armlet above the elbow, earrings, a necklace, and rings on his fingers. However, the specifics of housing, creature comforts, and other aspects of their material culture are determined to a large extent by the place and social context of their lives. PDF Download. Arvind Kejriwal with his parents. people call us CHAMMA but i dont have any idea what is this, plzz tell me how to add new caste in list or plzz stop caste system. Vaishya | Definition, Caste, History, & Facts | Britannica Barnawal Community comes under Baniya family. [5][6][7] Most of Hindu Banias are Vaishnavas and are followers of Vallabhacharya and Swaminarayan.

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baniya caste in which category